By mastering the core psychological survival triggers that are present in every single human being on the face of this planet – no matter how old, skilled or smart – you will be able to:
Control Fear with Anchored Aggression – Go on, try to be angry and afraid at the same time. You can’t because it’s physically impossible. Even in the most overwhelming situation, when the odds are stacked against you, you can appear more intimidating and react stronger and faster than before (thank your caveman ancestors for that!)
Remain Focused and Make Smart Moves – Working yourself up into an angry, venom-spitting rage means you only see red, and like an angry bull, charge ahead without looking. Discover how to put your mind into a state of mind that’s detached, objective and free thinking – while your opponent wears himself down with huge doses of adrenaline flooding his system.
Overcome Your Fear of Being Attacked – Physical confrontation can wear away at the confidence of even the best fighter. If you’re worried about your safety or the safety of those you love, learning how to accurately gauge and control your fear response to a confrontation can spell the difference between life and death.
Reprogram Your Neurological Responses – The brain does funny things in a fight, but all of them are made to maximize your survival. Reprogramming your body to respond differently to certain stimuli is a core facet of military training with its roots in war. The best part is, anyone can learn this – and you don’t even have to go through boot camp. Click Here to visit website
“While the general public was taught basic self defense and sport style Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, certain elite police and military personel were
taught a “military grade” version of the system. Little known outside
of the few academies that specialized in it, “Military Grade” BJJ is
truly the most complete and effective system of self defense known to
This lethal street version of Brazilian jiu-jitsu is hybridized with Combat Sambo (the once closely guarded Russian military hand to hand system of the old Soviet union) This system is used by Robert LeRuyet personally in real life self-defense encounters and is used to train his students who include soldiers of the Afghan war and the Canadian version of the Navy Seals.”
This lethal street version of Brazilian jiu-jitsu is hybridized with Combat Sambo (the once closely guarded Russian military hand to hand system of the old Soviet union) This system is used by Robert LeRuyet personally in real life self-defense encounters and is used to train his students who include soldiers of the Afghan war and the Canadian version of the Navy Seals.”
- Prof. Robert LeRuyet
- Founder of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in Canada
- Black Belt – Russian Military Jiu Jitsu
- Muay Thai Trained in Holland
- 30+ Years Martials Arts Training
- 20+ Years Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & MMA Training
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